
アップデート直前!『リネージュII』「ファーストスローン 新たな種族カマエル」で実装の新種族「カマエル」にクローズアップ!

エヌ・シー・ジャパンは、2007年12月4日(火)にMMORPG『リネージュII』の大規模アップデート「ファーストスローン 新たな種族カマエル」を実装します。このアップデートでは、新領地や要塞戦、新アイテムなど大変多くの新要素が追加されるのですが、中でも一番の注目は、約3年半のサービスの中で初めての種族追加となる「カマエル」。

PCゲーム オンラインゲーム
Lineage II(R) and Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.


(左)サラマンダー レザー メイル(Dグレード)(右)ドレイク レザー メイル(Cグレード)&アバドン レザー メイル(Bグレード)

(左)マンティコア レザー シャツ(Dグレード)(右)ラインド レザー メイル(Cグレード)

(左)プレート レザー アーマー(Cグレード)(右)テカ レザーメイル(Cグレード)

(左)シルノエンのレザー シャツ(Bグレード)&ダーク クリスタル レザー メイル(Aグレード)(右)ドゥーム レザー メイル&ブルー ウルヴズ レザー メイル(Bグレード)

(左)タラム レザー メイル(Aグレード)(右)ナイトメア レザー メイル&マジェスティック レザー メイル(Aグレード)

Lineage II(R) and Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
《階堂 綾野》


PCゲーム アクセスランキング

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  9. 誰でも自分にピッタリなセンシが決まる!?初心者FPSゲーマーが試すべき“完璧な感度”の見つけ方

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