
『リネージュII』次期アップデート「ファーストスローン 新たな種族カマエル」を2007年初冬に実装

エヌ・シー・ジャパンは、MMORPG『リネージュII』において、今年初冬に大規模アップデート「ファーストスローン 新たな種族カマエル」を実装すると発表しました。

PCゲーム オンラインゲーム
Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
  • Lineage II(R) and  Lineage II(R) the Chaotic Throne are  trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. 2003-2007 (C) Copyright NCsoft Corporation. NC Japan K.K. was granted by NCsoft Corporation the right to publish, distribute, and transmit Lineage II the Chaotic Throne in Japan. All Rights Reserved.
エヌ・シー・ジャパンは、MMORPG『リネージュII』において、今年初冬に大規模アップデート「ファーストスローン 新たな種族カマエル」を実装すると発表しました。



《階堂 綾野》


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